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Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Movie Industry Found The Problem

Howard at Oraculations has covered the story. It is the Christians who are ruining the movie industry with their propaganda. Now that we know the cause of the 18-week slump at the box office, I guess it will be asimple matter to fix, eh? Just get the word out that the Christians are the ones who are really sneaking off to see the dirty movies, and all the rest of the population will follow suit? I don't think so!

Howard linked to the Variety article. See this one for the other half of the story. When hard-core movies stopped making as much the PG brand began its resurgence.

I always said hollywood was a persected minority.

The horrors they have to put up with.
Isn't there something in the 14th about due process and equal protection for minorities? I say Howard the Duck and the DNC (good title for a band!) proposes a new Democratic initiative - all church-goers must take their whole family to an X-rated picture at least twice a year, or have their homes confiscated for injuring the local movie industry.

I can just see Dean ranting away, "I hate white Christians! They are destroying the social fabic of our society and one of the great American traditions!"
THAT was a great comment!

In fact, watch for the 'poor artists' pitch, soon.

I mean, who else will stand up for poor, oppressed hollywood ARTISTS? Gotta be the duck. Maybe there will be a 'Yentl' fundraiser...
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