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Monday, February 21, 2005

On Syria and Lebanon

The leading edge of the self-determination wave is spreading in the Middle East. No Oil For Pacifists has a very informative post up on the fallout from Rafik Hariri's assassination. Go read it - this is the beginning of something big. All the ME leaders were making pilgrimages to Lebanon last week. There are links to a number of sources, including Chrenkoff.

Something big indeed: The Times (London) says Syrian President Assad has promised to withdraw from Lebanon. As I've said in my update, "Anyone doubt "Baby Assad's" change of heart was accelerated by the object lesson Bush and Blair provided in Iraq?"
Whoa!!! Everybody, go click over to his post for his update. Those are great links, Carl.

From The Times (linked in the comment above):
"It is my civic duty as a Lebanese to take part in this uprising," said Youssef Mukhtar, a 47-year-old engineer who was shouting along with the crowd. "Enough bloodshed and disasters. It is the 21st century, and people should be able to govern themselves. The situation has become unbearable and we have to regain our country."

Orange in the Ukraine and red and white in Lebanon. I'm going to trot over to Juan Cole's and see what he has to say.
It's clear to me that the U.S. is having a major impact on politics and society in the Middle East. This is a tough neighborhood and there will be ups and downs, but I really think the outlook is positive. It's really sad, though, that Americans who so childishly hate their President, a man few have ever met, won't be able to see reality for what it is if we're successful.

Seems to me that Syrian Ba'athists are a lot more intelligent and crafty than their colleagues in Iraq were. Ol' "Basher" Assad is smart enough to duck and cover when it's necessary, and I think he feels the hot breath of the U.S. military at his back these days.
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