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Friday, February 25, 2005

March 18th

Greer has ordered that at 1:00 PM on March 18th food and water be withdrawn from Terri Schiavo. He will consider no other motions and will not grant another stay; this order was phrased as setting a "date and time certain" so that "last rites and other similar matters may be addressed in an orderly manner".

He states he will consider no further motions and orders that at 1:00 PM on March 18th food and water will be withdrawn from Terri. PDF document is online here. Update found at BlogsforTerri.

Update regarding the ad that BlogsforTerri was planning to run in the St Petersburg Times this Sunday. The paper refused to run the advertisement unless it was edited. BlogsforTerri refused, and argued that they could produce court documents to support every contention, to no avail. They have decided not to run the censored ad. You can find the original advertisment here, with the contents that the St. Petersburg Times required be removed in order to run the ad marked in italics and with *. This is what the St. Petersburg Time would not print:

I don't have the names of 12 medical experts and nurses who confirmed the facts, but I have personally seen the names of at least six. The no rehab is documented, and Michael did direct that antibiotic be withheld for a urinary tract infection. I believe the staff overrode that request. There was a pro-forma investigation opened, but the conclusion was that the statute of limitations had been exceeded so I read it was dropped. Obviously the paper is afraid of being sued by Schiavo, and I suppose they could have found the phrase "for the purpose of starving her to death" inaccurate. It is. She will die from thirst AND hunger. Hardly preferable.

MoM- what does this mean? Are there other legal avenues open?
There is time, but no further progress can be made in Greer's court. He is dodging the issue and deferring to the 2nd.

On the other hand, it is amazing what pressure does. The FL Supreme Court has already rejected one appeal, but might under certain circumstances deal with another. There are bills pending in the FL legislature that might give some legal ground for an action - I'm not sure.

If Michael lost his guardianship the picture would change dramatically.

One thing is certain - some uneasiness is beginning to creep into the press coverage of this matter. The courts are not immune to pressure.

The best way out would be the settlement that the family proposed. Michael gets immunity from any action, lets a third party or the Schindlers take guardianship, and then can get a divorce. Under Florida law I don't think Michael could have divorced Terri while she is his ward, because it is the ward's guardian who consents to the divorce on the ward's behalf.

Then there is always an appeal on civil rights grounds to a federal district court. As long as people continue to insist on the facts of this case and will not let the scrutiny die, there are many avenues.
Great post MoM...Sorry I haven't been by to comment in a while...I too have been busy looking at the facts of Terri's case and writing. I give your opinion a high degree of weight and although I am not surprised to see you and SCA on the same side as myself and hundreds of other bloggers...I am very glad to see you & SCA posting about it.
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